miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2007

Un Mensaje a la Conciencia

18 sep 07


por el Hermano Pablo

El problema de Garayev era el sueño. Solía dormirse con sueño profundo, apacible, prolongado. Hubo veces en que durmió un mes y medio, sin parar. Algo en su cerebro no funcionaba bien. Y cuando en uno de esos raros ataques se quedaba bien dormido, el mundo se acababa para él.
Un día de un mes de julio, salió para la fábrica donde trabajaba en un suburbio de Moscú, como siempre solía hacerlo. Pero nunca regresó a la casa. En el mes de noviembre, cuatro meses después, lo encontraron dormido —pero dormido para siempre— en un sótano oscuro de la fábrica. Alexander Garayev había pasado de un sueño al otro, sin que nadie lo advirtiera.
«Letargo cataléptico» decía el informe del médico forense.
Si bien era poco común la enfermedad de este hombre, no era desconocida en los anales médicos. Se acostaba a dormir, como toda persona normal, y se despertaba a las siete u ocho horas de sueño, como toda persona normal. Pero a veces no funcionaba el mecanismo para despertarse, y Garayev seguía durmiendo, varios días y hasta semanas enteras, sin acordarse que debía despertar y levantarse para seguir la lucha diaria por la vida.
Así como Garayev, hay muchos en esta vida. Se están muriendo de letargo. Un día no despertarán más, al menos no en este mundo, y entonces se darán cuenta de que han perdido lo mejor de su existencia.
Pero en el caso de estas personas, el letargo es moral. Son personas que tienen dormida la conciencia, aletargada el alma. Viven en el pecado, haciendo el mal. Le hacen daño hasta a sus seres queridos. Y no despiertan. Les falla el mecanismo que les haría abrir los ojos del espíritu. Y siguen en la muerte espiritual.
La Biblia tiene un toque de clarín para esos dormilones de la conciencia: «Despiértate, tú que duermes, y levántate de los muertos, y te alumbrará Cristo» (Efesios 5:14).
Este versículo está escrito para llamar la atención de todos los que viven en letargo moral, ciegos y sordos a sus responsabilidades como seres humanos, e indiferentes al llamado de Cristo y a la voz divina.
Morir físicamente en estas condiciones de letargo espiritual es perderse para siempre. Debemos sacudir ese sueño mortal de la conciencia y buscar a Cristo. Porque sólo Cristo salva, levantándonos de la muerte espiritual y ofreciéndonos vida eterna.

Korean Alphabet

Korean Alphabet (Hangul)

Most English speakers think Korean has thousands of characters, like Chinese, but it actually has a very simple and logical alphabet, which you can learn in a few minutes. The alphabet was invented in 1443 during the reign of the Great King Sejong. There are 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels. Letters that have similar sounds also have similar shapes, so it is easy to learn.
The letters are grouped into syllable blocks containing an initial consonant (which may be silent or double), one or two vowels (below or to the right), and sometimes a final consonant (below).

Try to write your name in Korean. Then look up your name here:
English Names in Korean
You can find a lot more Korean on the web. Even if you are like me and don't know any Korean words, you can have still have fun "decoding" some words in a Korean text, such as words borrowed from English, the names of famous people, place names, and product brand names.

miércoles, 19 de septiembre de 2007

Extreme Sports a good way to lose stress...

Extreme sports are often associated with various youth subcultures. Extreme sports are no more "extreme" than traditional activities played at a high level. The few generalizations that can be made about extreme sports is that they are almost always individual instead of team activities and that they often focus on performing tricks or stunts.

Some who enjoy extreme sports repudiate the stereotypical "adrenaline junkie" tag. The practitioners would claim they enjoy developing their physical and/or mental skills, seek mastery of inhospitable environments, look to escape from the mundane rigors of day-to-day existence, or simply love the wilderness environment in which many of these sports take place. Bob Drury, a paraglider pilot says, "We do these things not to escape life, but to prevent life escaping us"—even though accidents in these sports could be fatal. Many participants also don't think of their activities as either extreme or sports at all. To the most passionate purists, the sport label doesn't fit because they aren't competing to win anything. Worse, the extreme label has frequently been blamed for stereotyping participants in these activities as stupid, reckless, and even suicidal. Eric Brymer PhD (2005) also found that the potential of various extraordinary human experiences, many of which parallel those found in activities such as meditation, was an important part of the extreme sport experience.
Some of the sports have existed for decades and their proponents span generations, some going on to become well known personalities.
Rock climbing and ice climbing have spawned publicly recognizable names such as Edmund Hillary, Chris Bonington, Wolfgang Gullich and more recently Joe Simpson. Another example is surfing, which was originally invented centuries ago by the native inhabitants of Hawaii.

Try a extreme sport and let me know if you like it.

My favorite extreme sport is Motocross, i really love it...

Motocross (often shortened to MX or MotoX) is a form of motorcycle sport or all-terrain vehicle racing held on enclosed off-road circuits. Motocross is derived from the French, and traces its origins to British Scrambling competitions. The name "motocross" is a contraction derived from the words "Motorcycle" and "Cross Country".


Freestyle motocross (Freestyle Motocross), a relatively new sport, is not racing and instead concentrates on performing acrobatic stunts while jumping motocross bikes. The winner is chosen by a group of judges. The riders are scored on style, level of trick difficulty, best use of the course, and frequently crowd reactions as well.
One stunt performed is the backflip, which was disputedly completed on a 250cc motorcycle by
Carey Hart using a specially designed dirt ramp. Soon after this, Mike Metzger completed this stunt using a standard freestyle ramp and dirt landing . More recently Mike Metzger actually did a Backflip over the Caesar's Palace Fountains. Some consider the body varial 360 as the most difficult stunt being performed at this time. This stunt, also called the Carolla, was first performed by Chuck Carothers at the 2004 X Games. Prior to this, the backflip 360, or off-axis backflip, was widely considered the most challenging stunt. Another rider taking freestyle to a new level is Travis Pastrana. In 2006 he did the world's first double backflip, at the 2006 X Games Travis performed the world's first double backflip (in competition). It earned him the gold for best trick, that is now considered the most difficult trick. No other rider has yet done the trick.

Persuadestar, Trackstar and Webposter Wizard from 4teachers.org



Web Poster Wizard

Rubrics from 4teachers.org (by Diana Melara)




miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2007

How to forgive?

Forgiveness is the mental, emotional and/or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation or anger against another person for a perceived offence, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. This definition, however, is subject to much philosophical critique. Forgiveness may be considered simply in terms of the person who forgives, in terms of the person forgiven and/or in terms of the relationship between the forgiver and the person forgiven. In some contexts, it may be granted without any expectation of compensation, and without any response on the part of the offender (for example, one may forgive a person who is dead). In practical terms, it may be necessary for the offender to offer some form of acknowledgement, apology, and/or restitution, or even just ask for forgiveness, in order for the wronged person to believe they are able to forgive.

The first thing to do is to ask God for forgiveness and then follow the steps:
Step One
Think about what happened.
Step Two
Acknowledge all of your feelings. There is often anger lurking behind any hurt or sadness you might feel.
Step Three
Express your feelings - write them out, talk to a friend or simply allow yourself to feel what you feel.
Step Four
Accept responsibility for your own emotions. Although you were wronged and your emotions may be justified, it is still up to you to decide when you're ready to stop feeling angry or upset.
Step Five
Talk to the other person about the behavior that upset you and how it made you feel. The odds are that you won't feel truly ready to forgive until you know this person has heard and understood your perspective.
Step Six
Try to understand the other person's perspective, even if you don't really agree with it.
Step Seven
Rebuild trust in the relationship. Make agreements about acceptable future behavior whenever appropriate.
Step Eight
Make the decision to forgive, and communicate your forgiveness to the other person. Once you've done this, make every effort to move on and let it go completely.
Tips & Warnings
· You can forgive someone without condoning his or her behavior; forgiveness isn't the same thing as approval.
· Avoid a defensive reaction by first venting your emotions outside the presence of the wrongdoer - this will help the interaction to be more productive.
· Wait until you are truly ready to forgive. Respect your feelings and take all the time you need.