miƩrcoles, 10 de octubre de 2007

My Final Project

First visit the first link. It is a Powerpoint Presentation.

Second, when i tell you visit the second link. It contains the equipment required in a Cybercafe, a Computer lab and a Modern-disign Classroom.

Finally, click the third link which contains an example of the cost of a business like a cybercafe.

I hope you enjoy it!!!

The final proyect

Enter to this link to see my project:

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007

Why we cry?

How tears are produced and how they help us?

Human beings produce two kind of tears the ones produced by emotional crying and the others produced by irritation caused by different factors (external and internal). So, now I would like to tell you about the physical process to produce tears and what kind of benefit this action can bring you.
Physically, tears are composed of three layers: oil, water and mucous. So, before a tear come out of the eye there are three processes. First, the oily layer is produced by the meibomian glands, then the watery portion of the tear is produced by the lacrimal gland, and finally, the mucous layer comes from microscopic goblet cells in the conjunctiva. The tear layer travels from the punctum into the upper and lower canaliculus, which empty into lacrimal sac. The lacrimal sac drains into the nasal lacrimal duct which connects to the nasal passage. That is why our nose runs when we cry. All this process is called “crying”.
Tears produced by emotional crying are different from those caused by irritants. Recent researches have found that emotional tears contain more protein than tears induced by irritants. Some evidence show that tears produced by emotional crying may be a way that the body disposes of toxic substances. And that can be the reason why some people say that they feel better after cry. Nowadays, researches are examining the contents of emotional tears for substances such as endorphins, ACTH, prolactin and growth hormone, all of which are released by stress. Even though there is not a lot of information about the psychoactive substances in tears, some researchers believe that emotional tears may be important in the maintenance of physical health and emotional balance.
So, does crying help us to overcome emotional problems? Well, according to some psychologist and doctors crying is one of the best ways to release stress, fear, grief and other oppressive emotions. The doctor Barry M. Bernfeld said: “crying is natural, healthy and curative.” This expression can be supported by the hundred of experiences that psychologists have had with patients with several emotional traumas. For example, some patients who were victims of sexual abuse showed loss of stress when crying in their fist session. Jante Yassen, a social worker who leads groups for incest survivor, believes that there is a necessity of at least “1500 hours of crying” to get over the hurts of incest.
Now, we can accept a famous saying about tears in the past. Older people used to say that tears are blessed because they cleanse the windows of your soul and heart.

Dolphings curing people

Dolphins helping people overcome problems

It is commonly know that the use of animals in a various series of therapies can give a very important contribution to those who have to deal with major illness, special needs, emotional and even learning problems. There are a huge number of animals that can be useful to help people to overcome their problems, regardless the age. Horses, dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, and dolphins are just some of the animals that can make life easier and increase self-esteem. Dolphin therapy was first used in South Florida in the 1970s. Today, a lot of clinics and treatment centers world-wide are using dolphin human therapy. Dolphins seem to have a big influence in human feelings when swimming with them. Dolphins are friendly animals that can provide encouragement through their sensitivity to detect human needs.
Dolphins are able to change the life of many major-illness-diagnosed patients. When a patient is swimming with dolphins, they experiment some anxiety reduction as they harmonize with the animals. Doctors at the Human Dolphin Therapy Center in Miami believe that these highly intelligent creatures are extraordinary to help treat autistic children, Down syndrome or Trisomy 21 and other neurological and movement disorders.
(www. cnn.com/Health/9803/28/dolphin. therapy.html)
In fact, this center receives more than 1,000 children and also some adults who want to overcome learning disorders following this special therapy. Even though, there are doctors that believe that this is just a stimuli or a game in which the patients get more confidence on themselves, the Dolphin Therapy Center has succeeded more than 90% in their programs.

But how does the dolphin therapy works? Well, there is still no scientific answer to this phenomenon. Some doctors relate the effectiveness of the therapy to the harmonious sound that dolphins produce when singing; and also to the innate ability of these animals to identify human neurological disorders. Dr. Lukina is a professional with 15 years of experience working with dolphin therapy in both children and adult patients in a program called the Dolphin Assisted Therapy (DAT). She says that “DAT is not a miracle. A filing of a joy and harmony during the treatment sessions in children hearts; the child’s parents and the supporting team is an outcome guaranteed. Contacts with the friendliest creatures of the sea and therapy sessions are like a game for patients and others. It is, nevertheless, a very important part of a therapy sessions”.
Dolphin therapy is very useful with children with special needs, but the therapy does not consist just on the routine of swimming with those animals, it involves psychiatric or psychological therapies as well. In other words, dolphins are like the bridge between the doctor or therapist and their patients. Providing a comfortable and confident environment in which both of them can feel good.

What a Woman wants...

What a woman looks in a man
By Diana Melara

Endearments, company, a nice treat, a shoulder to cry on, sweet words, security and stability are just some of the aspects a woman expects from a man. The way the man treats the woman marks the difference between a wonderful and a tortuous relationship. No matter how hard a man tries to understand a woman, he is just unable to provide all the things she needs. Why? Well, maybe he is not paying attention to those little details such as: asking about her day, complimenting her about the way she looks, telling her how smart she is, and how much he loves her, but mean it. When a man does all those things, he will certainly notice a big happy smile on his beloved woman.

When you ask: “how was your day?” you are showing to your woman that you are interested in her. Ask to know about the difficulties and achievements that she had during a long day’s work. As you have maybe noticed most of women are good at talking. They enjoy listing all the events that happened to them during the day. They expect a good listener or a confident partner in some cases. Every woman has something to talk about, and if a man is ready to listen carefully, he will probably gain a lot of points.
Few men are really concerned about a woman’s feelings. They do not pay attention to all the things that a woman wants to talk about. In fact, most men or at least macho ones, think that a woman’s head is just to do her hair. So if you are planning to make a woman happy, avoid thinking like that. You should appraise her and try to agree with her comments, opinions, or complaints.

Making a woman flattered is complex for men because men must know when and how they should compliment her. This means that there are compliments that a woman is interested in listening to, but there are others that are just out of context. For example, when a woman has a date, she spends two or more hours to appear attractive and sexy. And she does everything to catch his eye. Therefore, she is expecting at least a nice word about her dress, hair, face or else. If the man does not mention a word, she will feel the ugliest person in the world. So, try to say nice things to your woman such as “wow! how beautiful you look today, or God really show me His love when putting you in my way” things like that will really touch the woman’s heart. But if you just say “you look different today, or hey! nice dress”. She will probably feel nothing. Remember that a woman always expects sweet and deep words that can stretch her heart.
Nevertheless, “Say it” is not enough to show a woman how much a guy loves her. Loving a woman means to understand her, becoming a shoulder to cry on, being there for her when she feels alone, amusing her when she wants to cry, and giving her strength to believe she can. Without forget to say the magic words “I love you”. What I mean is that words and actions must become together. A woman wants a poet but also a superhero. A woman wants a man who taking care of her is his first priority. Most women dream with a blue prince, an actual prince; not a man that offers the moon and the stars when he is not even able to buy her a candy. Specifically, men should never promise anything if they are totally unlikely to comply. No woman can become happy with a liar beside her. If you really love a woman, show it to her with actions. Do not cheat on her, do not play with her feelings. Be always honest because she will really appreciate it. Therefore, convince her that you really love her with details like giving her roses, chocolates, a letter or maybe something made by yourself. In other words, surprise her every day.

There are a lot of things that a woman wants, yet some of them are not related with a man. However, when a woman is concerned about what she wants from a man, she will be really strict, capricious and even demanding. Why? Well, because if a man really loves a woman, he will do anything to please her.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

My Favorite Series

These are my favorite tv show, and series, if you like them let me know, jejeje :)
Grey's Anatomy:

Meredith Grey, daughter of the once-renowned surgeon Ellis Grey, becomes an intern at the Seattle Grace Hospital. She meets fellow interns Cristina Yang, Isobel "Izzie" Stevens, and George O'Malley who will be her closest friends during the intern program. Other characters include Dr. Miranda Bailey, who is nicknamed "The Nazi" due to her "tough love" capability; Alex Karev, another intern who is not very popular with the other interns (especially Izzie); and renowned surgeons Dr. Derek Shepherd and Dr. Preston Burke. The chief of surgery is Richard Webber, who was once more than close friends with Meredith's mother. The season chronicles the first few months of the intern program and the day-to-day life of a surgical intern. Recurring plots include Meredith's battle to keep her mother's Alzheimer's disease a secret and her relationship with Dr. Shepherd. Others include George's infatuation with Meredith and a power struggle between Dr. Burke and Dr. Shepherd in the hospital. The season's end introduces Kate Walsh as Dr. Addison Montgomery-Shepherd, Derek's estranged wife.

Gilmore Girls:
Lorelai's conflict with her wealthy parents is central to the back-story for the series. Tension with her headstrong mother, Emily, and her father, Richard, recurs throughout the show. This presumably began when Lorelai became the teenage mother of Rory at the age of sixteen, which required the sacrifice of her elite prep-school education (and future as a college student). In addition, Lorelai opted to not marry the baby's father, Christopher, much to the constant dismay of her parents.
As an extension of her stubborn and rebellious nature, Lorelai ran away to
Stars Hollow, a small town near Hartford. There she met Mia, owner of the Independence Inn, who gave her a job as a maid and acted as a surrogate mother to both Lorelai and Rory. Lorelai eventually became general manager of the inn, her position at the start of the series. She and Rory lived in a converted potting shed behind the Inn for about ten years before moving to the house they live in during the show. Lorelai consistently tried to minimize her parents' contact with Rory until Rory needed money for school.


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