An unforgettable footprint in history
Very few people have the privilege or better say the courage to form part of those who change the “history”. Notice the word because we normal human beings just form part of a “story”. Whereas, those like mother Teresa of Calcutta, John Paul II, the first president of Africa, and other important people were able to change the history leaving a footprint on it that is still remembered to date. But this time, I would like to talk about someone who did it two thousand years ago. He is still changing lives, families, cities and even countries, his name is Jesus Christ. He came to the world to show us that all human beings can live a better life if they follow the laws of God. And the proof of that is all the actions that he did during his stay in this world.
What did Jesus do to be different from the rest of us? First at all, since the day Jesus conception took place, there were a lot of miracles that marked the beginning of a unique life. As the bible says: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17; Luke 19:10). Jesus showed the world the love of God through miracles-cure illness; multiply wine, bread, oil, etc., take out demons, and defend the poor and defenseless, among other divine signs-. The way Jesus behaved shows us how God blesses the ones who obey Him. Jesus always counts with the support of his father God. He never acts wrongly because he wanted to teach the world that if they are good people they will have a reward at eternity. And the most important thing that makes Jesus different is his sacrifice. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus was an integral man and he never sinned, even though, he came to die for our sins.
Jesus has been the inspiration for some people who have realized that there is no better footprint to follow than the one of His. As soon as someone realizes that Jesus is the truth, he starts to experiment special things that make him change completely. As the bible says “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true -- even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (1 John 5:20). The last phrase says that Jesus is eternal life. So when someone comes to Jesus, they acquire the privilege to become a son of God and to become part of the eternity in Heaven. Why that is possible? Well Jesus demonstrated his power when he came and he is still demonstrating it through a lot of miracles that he does nowadays. Moreover, there was and there is nobody who can defeat the death resuscitating at the third day as Jesus did. That is why many people try to follow his footprint. They want to become better people with a clear and real vision toward life.
The changes that Jesus did in history are supported by the narrations and anecdotes that the bible mentions because as the History of the United States is printed in many books. The history of Jesus Christ is printed in a book that has passed from generation to generation to tell everyone that Jesus was the most important man who visited this world to change its history.
Very few people have the privilege or better say the courage to form part of those who change the “history”. Notice the word because we normal human beings just form part of a “story”. Whereas, those like mother Teresa of Calcutta, John Paul II, the first president of Africa, and other important people were able to change the history leaving a footprint on it that is still remembered to date. But this time, I would like to talk about someone who did it two thousand years ago. He is still changing lives, families, cities and even countries, his name is Jesus Christ. He came to the world to show us that all human beings can live a better life if they follow the laws of God. And the proof of that is all the actions that he did during his stay in this world.
What did Jesus do to be different from the rest of us? First at all, since the day Jesus conception took place, there were a lot of miracles that marked the beginning of a unique life. As the bible says: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:17; Luke 19:10). Jesus showed the world the love of God through miracles-cure illness; multiply wine, bread, oil, etc., take out demons, and defend the poor and defenseless, among other divine signs-. The way Jesus behaved shows us how God blesses the ones who obey Him. Jesus always counts with the support of his father God. He never acts wrongly because he wanted to teach the world that if they are good people they will have a reward at eternity. And the most important thing that makes Jesus different is his sacrifice. “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Jesus was an integral man and he never sinned, even though, he came to die for our sins.
Jesus has been the inspiration for some people who have realized that there is no better footprint to follow than the one of His. As soon as someone realizes that Jesus is the truth, he starts to experiment special things that make him change completely. As the bible says “We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true -- even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life." (1 John 5:20). The last phrase says that Jesus is eternal life. So when someone comes to Jesus, they acquire the privilege to become a son of God and to become part of the eternity in Heaven. Why that is possible? Well Jesus demonstrated his power when he came and he is still demonstrating it through a lot of miracles that he does nowadays. Moreover, there was and there is nobody who can defeat the death resuscitating at the third day as Jesus did. That is why many people try to follow his footprint. They want to become better people with a clear and real vision toward life.
The changes that Jesus did in history are supported by the narrations and anecdotes that the bible mentions because as the History of the United States is printed in many books. The history of Jesus Christ is printed in a book that has passed from generation to generation to tell everyone that Jesus was the most important man who visited this world to change its history.
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